Earth2World Live Streaming

The Internet is the backbone of Earth2World’s ability to deliver you original programming meant to entertain and enlighten. Since March of 2011, we have published nearly 50 episodes through embedded Vimeo players. This has worked wonderfully, so we are looking to provide our viewers, you, with an even easier way to access us.

Introducing the Earth2World Live Stream! You now have the ability to access the inside of our studio each time we record an episode of one of our programs. Whether it is “Have You Heard?” or “Heart of the Matter“, you will find that the personalities on screen shine even brighter when the set is buzzing with activity.

In addition to the personalities of any given program, there is also a unique and previously hidden “set dynamic” that gives each show it’s own flavor. We feel this is something that should be shared with our growing audiences.

So tune in and watch how the Internet is changing media; one episode at a time right here on Earth2World.



Have You Heard with Byron and Karol: Ep. 10

Episode Description: Daniel Baldwin proves to be a gentleman and a dandy emcee at the Social Media Awards, Actress Adrienne Flagg shares her social recipe for her upcoming dinner party to benefit the Theater Brigade of Portland and Accanto bartender Handsome Rob Fuller shows how fresh spring veggies, like peas, provide the perfect kick for fun-flavored cocktails.

More Byron? (


Heart of the Matter: Gloria Steinem in Studio


Tune in live Thursday, April 28th with special guest Gloria Steinem on Heart of the Matter. Join Earth2World and Ann Schatz as they welcome Gloria Steinem for a global living room chat with a small studio audience.
A special thanks to Joe Staskerz founding Agent and Elroy Artspace for providing the global living room with the art of Portland Artists, Kelly Neidig and George Perrou. As well as Hair of the Dog Brewing Company, Inc. for providing parking for our studio audience.